The answer is "Option D".
Web service is also known as an online open software product, which uses a common XML messaging service system. It is used service like HTTP, SOAP, etc, that encrypts messages from all web services.
- It uses the internet, that enables you the interface or application for the user interaction or exchanging data.
- It will turn the software into web apps.
In what topic ?? Please explain more
I think this might help, don't know much of this
How do you calculate 3.5 increase in Excel?
How To Increase a Number By a Percentage. If want to calculate a percentage increase in Excel (i.e. increase a number by a specified percentage), this can be done by simply multiply the number by 1 + the percentage increase. - which gives the result 60.
estas son
El cáliz. Está formado por los sépalos, que son un conjunto de hojas verdes en la base de la flor.
La corola. Está formada por los pétalos que son hojas coloreadas en el interior de los sépalos.
Los estambres. Son los órganos masculinos de la flor. ...
El pistilo. Es el órgano femenino de la flor.