What is your 95% credible interval for the number of people who will be alive in the year 3000 CE (including digital people)? Ex
plain your reasoning by giving a roughly one-sentence justification for each important step of your reasoning. A 95% credible interval means that you believe there is a 95% chance that thetrue value will fall within your interval. If I were 95% confident that the number of books in a library was between 100 and 500, then my 95% credible interval would be 100-500.
Because there are many different ways to teach introductory astronomy, we have made the text as flexible as we could. Math examples are shown in separate sections throughout, so that you can leave out the math or require it as you deem best. Each section of a chapter treats a different aspect of the topic being covered; a number of sections could be omitted in shorter overview courses and can be included where you need more depth. And, as we have already discussed, you can customize the book in a variety of ways that have never been possible in traditional textbooks.
Step-by-step explanation:
This book is written to help students understand the big picture rather than get lost in random factoids to memorize. The language is accessible and inviting. Helpful diagrams and summary tables review and encapsulate the ideas being covered. Each chapter contains interactive group activities you can assign to help students work in teams and pool their knowledge.