so they can find out what type of fossil it was
5) air temperature - corn sprouting time
6) sacks of fertilizer sold - algae growth
7) cars - pollution levels (sorry couldn't read the full problem, but you get it)
8) distance of flash light - size of illuminated area
9) number of answered questions - score of the final
10) minutes of exposure - birth defect rate
11) amount of vitamin A - weight fluctuation
12) fox population - rabbit population
So as the words speak for themselves, dependent variables are variables that aren't changed by outside factors unlike dependent variables which change based on an outside change. Knowing this, if you reread the problems you will be able to understand it a little bit more.
FALSE. Wild animals ARE CONSIDERED a natural resource.
Natural resources are resources taken from nature to satisfy our needs. These natural resources are:
1) Air
2) Water
3) Soil
4) Plants
5) Animals
6) Minerals
7) Forests
8) Natural Gas
9) Coal
10) Petroleum
Using irrelevant sites for the task
I have to write 20 words to explain it well so, they are part of the same species ander phylum.