Examples relating to project management are if machine malfunctions, computer crashes, there is a power cut, etc. These kinds of random things that can happen during a project are examples of special cause variation. One way to evaluate a project’s health is to track the difference between the original project plan and what is happening.
-Colonize the Incan Empire
-Bring Spanish culture to South America
-Help speed up the colonization process in South America
-created the first viceroy in South America, the viceroy of New Castile
That is if you consider this good of course
<span>According to cognitive dissonance theory,there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions like beliefs and opinions.when there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviours ,something must change to eliminate the dissonance.</span>
Alexis de tocqueville referred to the ability of the majority in a democracy to impose its will on everyone else as <u>"the tyranny of the majority".</u>
The idea of the tyranny of the majority was advanced by the nineteenth century political scholars Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America) and John Stuart Mill (On Liberty). It alludes to a circumstance in which the greater part implements its will on a distraught minority through the equitable procedure. That is the thing that various minority bunches in the UK are encountering after Leave won the submission. Unexpectedly, this result has hurt the interests of the minority, as well as that of the dominant part that bolstered Brexit.
<span>Depression is linked to an imbalanced level in serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain. These neurotransmitters helps the brain to send and receive messages from one part of the body to another. Serotonin affects nearly all the cells within the brain. As a result human behavior, mood, sleep, and even appetite can be greatly influenced. Aggressive behavior although can result from the same imbalanced levels of serotonin. Researches believe that the lack of receptors, or the inability for serotonin to reach these receptors, may also impact our ability to control anger and aggression.</span>