The java.util<span> includes the class date calendar and the </span>arraylist. This package contains a list of helpful classes and interfaces. These useful classes and interfaces are more important than the name of the package might imply. Many programs will find these things important.<span> </span>
He got angry because the effect of staying up all night affected his tolerance to take a joke.
The most likely reason for any person turning down a full-time job is money.
It is more likely than not that Burger Hut was unable to provide compensation for Debra's services at a rate that a. Debra felt appropriate or b. Debra felt was necessary to make accepting the job worthwhile.
For instance, if Debra lived far away from the Burger Hut than any job would need to pay enough to partially cover the cost of her commute in addition to living and (hopefully) saving money.
Catalhoyuk's economy was based mainly on farming. Uruk's, in contrast, was much more complex and based on both farming and trade. Workshops produced all sorts of goods, which were sold in shops on the streets. Also, Uruk merchants traveled far and wide, selling their products.
I think she feels a bit discouraged because she doesn't believe she is as good as the rest of the tributes. Most of them have spent their entire lives preparing for the Hunger Games, whereas Katniss volunteered to save her sister. She was unprepared for the Games, but learned the ropes over the course of the training.