Well Athens diden't win the war and with that never regained her victory or leadership. Sparta won the war but didn't know what to to with the fruits of her victory and didn't really know how to lead the greeks. so I hope this helped u!
most of the things in are body are actully compressed with water and we rely on water to survive but if we were 100% water well we would be water
Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy. The term originally meant leaderlesness. It refers to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government.
There are various pros as well as cons of anarchy
Pros:- 1. anarchy is the search for complete freedoms
2. in essence "power for the people"; "each man for himself
3. You are finally free from the shackles of authority.
4. You can do whatever you want.
5. You are equal to everyone else, all social hierarchy has been abolished ( anarchy is the absence of authority).
6. The country wouldn't be split between all of these ridiculous political groups.
7. No taxes to be paid.
Cons:- 1. There might be some disorder when it first starts, but it's the same when a beast is finally released from their cage, they burst out and enjoy freedom, before getting on with their lives.
2. no government services.
3. There would be no punishment for crimes.
4. Life would turn into survival of the fittest.
Keeping communism in its enclosed borders
<span>President Truman worried what China might do if the war continued, but then MacAuther had told him that China would not intervene and he continued to push Northward. </span>
<span>Truman didn't want the U.S to enter into the major war that would involve huge numbers of troops and even atomic weapons Neither side won the Korean War, and the two Koreans remain divided till this day. </span>
There are two things that did change: Truman had enlarged the power of presidency, and a new alliance called the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (S.E.A.T.O). This alliance was formed to prevent the spread of communism. The Truman Doctrine had committed the U.S to aid the countries resisting communist aggression, and provided the first step toward what would become known as the Containment Policy.
<span>President Truman established that the U.S would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from internal or external authoritarian forces. President Truman delivered a speech before a joint session on March 12, 1947, this is how The Truman Doctrine up-rose. The immediate cause for the speech was a recent announcement by the British Government that, as of March 31, it would no longer provide military and economic assistance to the Greek Government in its civil war against the Greek Communist Party.</span>
Europeans trying to colonise America. They brought weapons and diseases with them that the Natives wouldn't have been familiar with.