If you find the least common denominator, that is 143. Then, you convert 2/13=22/143 and 1/11=13/143. Next, subtract 22/143-13/143=9/143 which is B
Please learn your fractions :/ they’ll be useful for the future, trust me. If you need further help to understand, idk if there is a PM feature here but if there is feel free. But I have answered 3 fraction questions for you within this hour and it’s under the high school level category??? Thank you and have a nice night.
The probability he will select a hockey card is 1/4, and then the probability that he selects a baseball card without replacement is 1/6.
The answer is X=-4 hope this helps.
1. single sample design
2. matched pairs
3. two independent samples.
Step-by-step explanation:
the response variable is known as the dependent variable, it is the variable that the researcher is interested i finding. the response variable is the x variable that responds to changes in the independent variable.
In this question the researcher has only one sample that is the specimen. that is the reference specimen that she obtained. Therefore it is a single sample design.
the response variable here is the measurement of concentration.
2. In this question we have two pairs, men and women. The researcher is interested in comparing attitudes as she interviews them. so response variable is attitude or behavior
3. this is a 2 independent sample design. The researcher is using two different methods to test and their average is being compared.
Take it to the power of 5.