Being “social” involves physically communicating with another, so your best answer is most likely 2. Bonding and Communication as a Student.
C. They agree with most of his suggestions.
Khan Academy
Bottom´s fellow actors agree with his suggestions to add a prologue explaining that their play isn´t real, as well as several other offbeat and unnecassery ideas.
Scientists need these characteristics one is hypothesis and the other is observant to what ever object, animal, insect, organisms they are studying. A scientist typically have theories of their own, and are curious about the surroundings in the world like the ocean for example still many discoveries to be made
you have to clarify one thing as a reaction to what you have got discovered (seen). Hypothesis is planned - it's a concept that you simply assume may predict what's about to happen after you check it. an logical thinking could be a theory derived from observations.
Observation consists of receiving data of the skin world through our senses, or recording data mistreatment scientific tools and instruments.
Any information recorded throughout associate degree experiment may be known as an observation.In science, a hypothesis is a concept or clarification that you simply then check through study and experimentation. Outside science, a theory or guess also can be known as a hypothesis.
Names needed a loan so he applied to the financial aid office.