first question: 3. osmosis is a kind of diffusion that involves the movement of water
2nd question: 1. it allows carbon dioxide to move in and out of the cell
Random mutations led to evolution of pesticide resistance genes in bed bugs.
Random mutations in genome of bed bug imparted them the pesticide resistance. Since the bed bugs having the mutation of pesticide resistance were able to survive under presence of pesticides, this variation was favored by natural selection. The bugs with pesticide resistance transmitted this trait to their progeny. In time, the bed bug population consisted of most of the bugs having the pesticide resistance.
Fruits, vegetables, spices, cereals, Wood, Fibres, Cotton, perfumes, dyes, and most importantly medicines.
Plants play a major role in the preparation of several useful drugs and antibiotics.
The carbohydrates will not be digested properly.
The kind of carbohydrates that a person takes from plants is in the form of amylose. From animals, a person will receive carbohydrates in the form of glycogen,
The digestion of carbohydrates begins as soon as the food is taken in the mouth by the amylase enzyme present in the saliva.
If a person does not have the salivary glands, then there will be no production of saliva and amylase enzyme. Hence, the carbohydrates will not be digested.