Liberties of the u.s. are certain rights retained by granted to citizens of america under the Constitution of the U.s.a. , as interpreted and clarified by the Supreme Court of the United States and lower federal courts
The correct answer is transmission of culture or also known
as the cultural transmission. This is defined or described by which a group of
animals or people in a society or a certain culture are likely to pass
information and to be able to learn within their society or culture that they
are in.
Christians believe that morality is objective and absolute because the bible & amp; teachings of Jesus Christ guide us in living ethically sound lives. It is also believed that humans universally know right from wrong and are made in God's image and also capable of living good lives.
Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx
heres your answer
Explanation: Slavery, as a theory, had been a commonly accepted European practice long before the exploration of the New World. Drawing on ancient Greek and Roman history, pro-slavery defenders noted that enslaving prisoners of war was an acceptable alternative to execution—once an enemy had surrendered, it was believed to be the victor’s right to claim the life of their enemy through death or enslavement. Hence, when the Portuguese slave traders started exploring the coast of Africa where it was customary for warring indigenous tribes to enslave each other, they began to buy these slaves for export to the New World colonies. Other pro-slavery advocates argued that it was their mission to convert African non-Christians (whom they referred to as “heathens”) to Christianity and that slavery allowed them to do this more effectively.
Human potential movement pertains to self-fulfillment.
Self-fulfillment is the function of an individual to become satisfied, contented and fulfilled. Also called self-actualized, the need for self-actualization is an important drive for fulfilling human potentials. From a humanistic view, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs first shows how self-actualization is one of the most important needs of human.