The examples of positive feedback loops are as follows:
- contractions during the process of giving birth
- Blood clotting
- Positive feedback loop is that in which a change in a given direction causes additional change in that same direction.
- The contractions during the process of giving birth is an example of positive feedback loop because the contractions further stretch the walls and continues until birthing occurs.
- Also, the clotting of blood causes the stoppage of blood flow.
Therefore, the examples of positive feedback loops are as follows:
- contractions during the process of giving birth
- Blood clotting
Learn more about positive feedback loops at:
(D) Block RNA and DNA synthesis.
Antibiotics conquer foreign bodies and germs through the process of Phagocytosis, nicknamed cell eating. this basically a process involving the surrounding of the invading cell and pentrating through the Cell wall and thus weakening the cell's overall structure.
1). Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.
Chromosomes are not visible in the cell’s nucleus—not even under a microscope—when the cell is not dividing.
2) is pic
a. The operon is under positive control
a.) Loss of enzyme synthesis results from loss of regulatory R gene product which is regulated in the presence of Tis ophane for transcription. Absence of (Tis), transcription is positively controlled by regulatory Rprotein
b.) The proposed model reveals Tis / B complex prevents Tis enzymes from undergoing transcription through the RB operator by binding to the B region
the role of the R protein is
-decrease affinity of Tis / B complex to B region of RB
-bind to the R region on RB
- change the conformation of B region
- yield decreased affinity of Tis / B complex when R gene is lacking preventing transcription in the process
Effects of the RB mutations is that R protein will not bind to Tis / B complex to reduce transcription
They are called decomposers.