A misconception commonly used when violence occurs in a dating relationship is that "he/she only hits me because he/she loves me". This however is not true. In a relationship, one will not abuse their partner out of love. it is not affectionate. it is purely out of rage, anger, low self-esteem, or upsetting circumstances.
If you are referring to digestion...
Well your body cannot take in food as is because your body cannot absorb it. What digestion does is it actually picks out what the body can take in and gets rid of everything else that cannot pass through the mucosa (lining of the digestive tract).
Aside from this, your body actually uses food as a source of nutrients that are needed for your different cells to function. So the digestive system transforms it into a form that the cells of your body can use to perform their function. Many of these nutrients are used for not only maintaining the organs but for repair and replacement too.
At the onset of a muscle contraction, the presence of calcium triggers the opening of the Na-K channels in the membrane. Potassium is a calcium inhibitor, so as the potassium flows out of the cell, it eventually reduces the presence of calcium. This causes the closure of the Na-K channel (negative feedback mechanism). In a hypokalemic state, the lack of sufficient K doesn't inhibit the calcium channel, and in turn doesn't properly terminate the muscle contraction at the cellular level.