an electronic machine that can store, find and
Click Tools, Internet options. ...The Internet Options window will open. ...Click Apply, OK to close the window.Click the wrench icon in the top-right corner of the browser.Select Options.In the 'On startup' section, select Open the home page.options window will open. Go to the Startup section and select When Firefox starts: Show my home page.. In the Home Page field, type in the website address you want to use as your home page.Click OK.
Answer: All of the above
200 OK, 301 permanently moved and 400 bad request all are the Hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP) response status type. The HTTP response status types basically indicated the complete request in the HTTP.
All these given types are the responses and request that are involved in the HTTP status type.
200 OK is one of the request which basically depends upon the HTTP status type success.
301 permanently moved is the response in the URL which are used for permanently change the resources of request.
And 400 bad request is not properly understand by server due to the invalid syntax in the HTTP.
Resilient File System (ReFS)
- Concentric circles on a disk platter where data is stored is called Tracks
- The new file system developed for Windows Server 2012 is called Resilient File System (ReFS). It allows increased stability for disk storage and improved features for data recovery and error checking