Liberal Feminism: Gender inequalities are mainly rooted in social and cultural attitudes, which need to be reformed.
Black Feminism: Mainstream feminism mistakenly treats gender oppression as unified and experienced in the same way by all women.
Radical Feminism: The oppression of stems directly from the system of patriarchy women in which we live.
Postmodern Feminism: The category of "women" is a falsely essentialist category, failing to appreciate the plurality, diversity, and fluidness of reality.
There are many different versions or waves of feminism in the history of this critique that draws attention to the gendered nature of our social system. Scholars generally divide American feminism into three waves or historical periods: American first-wave feminism was the period that ended with passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the right to vote in 1920. Second-wave feminism of the 1960s-1980s was shaped by the Civil Rights Movement and focused on issues of equality and discrimination in the workplace. Third-wave feminism began in the early 1990s, as a response to the limitations of second wave feminism and its initiatives. The third wave of feminism tried to deepen its critique by challenging the definitions of femininity that emerged out of the second-wave and tries to account for more diversity. It is argued that second-wave and first-wave feminism over-emphasized the experiences of upper middle-class white women and eclipsed the experiences of women of color.
Answer: Services like law making, road renovation and building,court facility,campaign for people and disabled people etc are introduced by government at national stage.
Government provides various services to public or citizens of the nation at national level.Government is responsible for handling, controlling , maintaining and regulation services for well-being, help and happiness of people.They manage nation through making rights, laws etc for protection and functioning.
Services like road building,making and enforcing laws and regulation for citizen, court facilities ,program or campaign for people, disabled peoples special program, safety for products.
Area formula for a circle is pi *r^2
circumference is pi * d
22.6/3.14 is 7.197= diameter
radius= 3.5985
pi * (3.5985)^2 =40.66
area is about 40.66 square inches
In this statement, Maslow is arguing that not all of our needs are equally important. Some needs, such as food or thirst, are our priority, and only when we satisfy these do we begin to think about others such as love and self-esteem.
An example that shows this are people who live in extreme poverty and steal food. People in this situation would rather compromise their safety, freedom and maybe even self-worth in order to satisfy their hunger.
However, some evidence points to the opposite as well. For example, soldiers who join the war do so to fulfill abstract needs such as earning respect and finding meaning, even if this means risking their safety, having little to eat and facing many uncomfortable situations. Another example is athletes. Athletes train to a degree that is uncomfortable and hard. They also limit their food intake to certain types of food in order to achieve goals such as self-fulfillment and a higher self-esteem.
The answer is hard influence tactics and soft influence tactics.
Hard influence tactics are those tactics that use direct and authoritative sources of power, like their authority coming from and organization, for example. Position power depends on the authority granted to someone by a government or company. Soft influence tactics are those indirect and collaborative tactics like persuasion that convinces someone to adopt a position themselves like having the kind of personal power that can attract followers and makes coworkers look up to you.