Checks and balances by the judicial court
It's important because the party that lost the election for president watches the actions of the party in power for mistakes or misuse of power.
Answer: 1. To create Sinhala Dominance, the government introduced a majority measure. An Act to accept Sinhala as the only official language, thus disregarding Tamil
2. Governments have adopted preferential policies that have benefited Sinhala candidates for university and government positions.
Option A: Identity Diffusion
diffusion in identity define as ways in which someone tries to understand or know themselves adolescence stage, social identity, personality of a person are not usually or really known(part of self Discovery), and much work effort is not being utilized and put into to discover one's potential or what what wants from life and to do with life.
Most people or individuals in this state or stage are not really bothered about the future or what they want to be. It is a work in progress as people are gradually working on their identity building. The characteristics of individuals in this stage is that they are passive, not worried or bothered about the future, only consider the moment and usually less responsible in their life actions.
Instead of using any force, men with more income influence their wives' actions by trading money for a desired behavior. this can be best explained by the SOCIAL EXCHANGE perspective.
Social exchange theory proposes that social behavior is that the results of associate<span> exchange </span>method<span>. </span>the aim<span> of this exchange is </span>to maximize advantages<span> and minimize </span>prices<span>. As </span>per<span> this theory, developed by </span>social scientist St. George<span> Homans, </span>folks<span> weigh the potential </span>advantages<span> and risks of social relationships.</span>