In Chapter 10, Smith talks about a Puerto Rican named Pete who owned and operated a bodega across the street from the firehouse. Smith characterizes Pete as a typical Puerto Rican: lazy, with no ambition to succeed in the United States.
The two questions sociologists always ask are 'where are you from?' and 'what do you do?'.
- Most sociologists who come across other unknown people are curious about their background, owing to which, they ask them where they are from. By knowing where the other person is from, sociologists devise his language of preference, his accent, his choices, etc.
- By asking what the other person does, a sociologist determines the income of that person, his social status, etc.
B. Men played all the characters, both male and female
Men played the role of both male and female in Greek theatres.
A male actor could play the role of three different people in one play. This was because of the role of the women in Greek culture which saw women as being inherently inferior to men and because of the importance of drama to the Greek, women were not allowed to participate in plays in any form so the males played all the roles that were available in a play.
Women in Greece then were seen to be lower than slaves, that's how low they were viewed in Greek society.
The Greeks considered allowing a female on set was too dangerous so they allowed men act all characters of a play.