be smart you got this
rememder transated are things that are hot like a oven
We need more information. What are we conducting research on? What are we observing? What exactly am I supposed to be writing about? Give me more information and I'll try to help you the best I can.
Answer:In order to take advantage of context-dependent memory, Rachel should return to her bedroom. Being in the place where she left the check may prime her memories of where, exactly she left it
Context-dependent memory refers to how easily it is to recall Information when the context under which encoding happened is the same as when the retrieval occurs.
It may affect the result of the study, having a large samples will enable the researcher have enough variations that may occur among the sample, reduction in the number of children will reduce the amount of variation the is needed in the experiment. A large sample with adequate variations help to minimize error that could occur considering small samples but when a sample is small a it doesn't consider all possible effect the result may be bias.
Reduced sample size may not be enough to represent an experimental units hence there maybe need to revisit the experiment again when adequate samples size is available. It was more time