The correct answer is cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance (CD) refers to a state or situation in which a person experiences feelings of discomfort that results from holding two contradictory thoughts, attitudes or beliefs. An instance of cognitive dissonance is the feeling a long-term smoker experiences when he reads an article about an increasing number of deaths due to lung cancer which is heavily caused by smoking.
Answer: C. creative intelligence
The Triarchic theory of Intelligence as postulated by Robert Sternberg believes intelligence to be about how a person is able to handle and adapt to their surroundings and the changes in it as they go through life.
It is divided into three parts with the relevant part for this question being Creative / Experiential intelligence. This intelligence refers to the ability to come up with new and different ideas on how to solve something. It is about being able to see a problem in a way no one else does and as such offer a different solution. Essentially, it is to be creative.
Isabel will have to apply her Creative Intelligence to be able to come up with the new catchphrases required as the task requires creativity.
I would agree that the main reason was that we wanted to protect a country from communism. I often wonder though if the Vietnam conflict was not more of a conflict between USSR and the United States than it was a conflict between North and South Vietnam.
I see you ward does indeed function well however I hope that you do not mind me getting these points
The United Nations wanted to make Germany pay for the destruction of the war.