It is the 2 free enterprise economy
The concept of distribution channel, also called the sales channel, defines and marks the different stages that a product or service goes through from the manufacturer to the end consumer. The purpose of the distribution channel of a service is to make the product available to consumers and, to achieve this, an intermediation system is developed between the producing company and the consumer: the commercial distribution system.
The ownership of the property of the product will determine the type of channel, which may be different depending on the length of the distribution channel: direct channel, indirect channel, short channel, long channel.
well, don't worry. I don't copy and paste c.ra.p everywhere-
I agree, spamming is definitely not the right way to protest since peaceful people just trying to get help on their work are being affected by this.
may I have Brainliest? I'm stuck on Expert ( ╯︿╰ )
between 4:00 and 6:00 because most people get out of work then.