Wind power allowed people to invest in their own power, building windmills for farms, and personal homes. And for some people, having a cleaner energy source that still produced large quantities of energy is looked up upon
a Self-fullfiling prophecy.
Self-fulfilling prophecies are psychological phenomena in which individuals predict an event, and due to their conscious or unconscious behavior, said event ends up happening.
For instance, Jim has a physics exam in two weeks. The exam is about thermodynamics, a topic that James dislikes because he doesn't understand it. After hearing the news that the exam was coming, he immediately claims that he was going to fail the exam. Out of resignation, he thinks: why bother studying, I'm not good at thermodynamics, and even though he may not realize it, he is setting himself up to fail. The day of the exam comes, and because he did not study one bit during the last two weeks, he loses the exam.
In this particular case, Marcus has a big wrestling match coming up, but he fears that he will lose. The week before the match, he claims that he is "really busy with other studies," and does not practice at all. Even though he may not realize he is doing this, he is setting himself up so that he will have an "excuse" in case he loses the match. Marcus is apparently engaging in a self-fullfilling prophecy.
Mass media has evolved due to the amount of technology updates and more sites, along with better data plans. and the reason media needs to be correct, because if it's not correct certain people could lose votes. And if it's not accurate lies and rumors could be spread and make the better person lose votes.
A developed country (or industrialized country, high-income country, more economically developed country (MEDC)) is a sovereign state that has a high quality of life, developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less industrialized nations. Most commonly, the criteria for evaluating the degree of economic development are gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product (GNP), the per capita income, level of industrialization, amount of widespread infrastructure and general standard of living.
Neuroscience of music about Indonesian music: there are two main scales in Java are slendro and pelog. Slendro is a five-tone scale that very roughly approaches equal-size intervals. The intervals vary within a given scale and across orchestras, but the underlying tuning concept can be considered as a rough five-tone equal temperament (5ET).The musical goal of this selection to express social protest against corruption is to incorporate sléndro/pélog scales to the tones of the melody used as chords changing