they all believed in completely different gods
this is what the green party is, The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States. The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory, grassroots democracy; gender equality; LGBT rights; anti-war; anti-racism and ecosocialism.
this is three benefits The Green Party favors the abolition of the death penalty, repeal of Three-strikes laws, banning of private prisons, legalization of marijuana, and decriminalization of other drugs.
Vedism, or Vedic religion, was the religion of the ancient Indo-European-speaking people of India. Although we know very little of this people, we do know that they most likely entered India about 1500 BCE from present-day Iran. Vedism is known fro its written texts, known as the Vedas. Its is also known as one of the traditions that influenced Hinduism.
The correct answer is B. It imports more goods than it exports.
The trade deficit is the name by which the negative difference between what a country exports and what that same country imports from other countries is known. This serves as an indicator to analyze the internal and external trade relations of a country. When a country is in a trade deficit, it is when it has imported more goods and services than it has sold abroad. Therefore, if the United States imports more goods and services than it exports, it will be in a trade deficit. So the correct answer is B. It imports more goods than it exports.
Option. C
The court has a subject matter jurisdiction, because it is a federal institution and what Fred did is against any law and he will be charged accordingly and since it is a federal district court the case was presented too, they have jurisdiction of the subject matter because it is also the same federal law that binds the same states.