1.The first example that I can cite that explains "the theory of arousal" is when I had my physiological needs covered but I did not have a job, I felt that I needed to work, achieve personal goals
That is why, as this theory explains very well:
Humans seek an optimal level of arousal:
- Too low = boredom
- Too high = stress.
The second example has to do with the need to work and the type of work we do; for example if I need money to survive and help my family, I know I have to work, but if I study a career such as teaching that allows me to satisfy that need and at the same time feel comfortable and fulfilled with my work, that is a great incentive ; here the "impulse reduction theory" is fulfilled, which explains the following:
"When the need and an incentive come together, they make us feel
powerfully driven towards satisfaction "
2.When examining these two examples and comparing the two theories exposed we see that there is a great relationship; Although at first it is necessary to satisfy basic needs, then comes the satisfaction of social, security and self-realization needs as set out in the Maslow pyramid.
Positive the three land policies Wanted to give land to people who would build homes, farm the land, and defend it. Their goal was to strengthen the state and increase the population in order to increase Georgia's power in the House of Representatives.
I believe the answer is: Slowly decline
As we grow older, most people often placed a sense of security as a higher importance compared to our younger selves.
This preference would be reflected in almost every aspect of our lives, including job preferences, mate seeking, or even how we spend our weekend.
The 3 levels are that they overlap each other
At the dedication, the crowd listened for two hours to Everett before Lincoln spoke. Lincoln's address lasted just two or three minutes.