The cost of goods sold is the expense incurred by a manufacturing firm when making goods to be sold to customers. It is calculated using the formula.
Cost of goods sold = Beginning Stock plus purchases/ cost of goods manufactured minus ending stock
Marigold Corp:
Beginning stock: $162,000
Ending stock: $174,000
cost of goods manufactured, $866000;
cost of goods sold =
$162,000 + 866,000 -$174,000
E. Labor, capital and management
Productivity refers to efficiency in production which means how much output is produced for available level of inputs. It is measured by output/input ratio.
The variables which determine productivity are labor, capital and management.
Capital refers to the amount of investment an entrepreneur makes in a project. Capital invested determines the resources available.
Labor refers to men employed to produce output. Labor cost refers to the wages paid.
Management refers to carrying out operations effectively so that all factors of production work in synchronization and to ensure that everything is in order.
It will Decreases U.S. real GDP and on the other way round it will increases the well-being of a typical working person in the U.S.
The impact of the decline in working hours is that it will Decreases U.S. real GDP and on the other way round it will definitely lead to increase in the well-being of a typical working person in the U.S. because of the decline in the U.S work week which was formally 60 hours in the 1980 but now 40 hours today because a typical working person will have more time for him/her and the stress involved in working for 60 hours per week will reduce when compared with working for 40 hours per week because a typical working person in the U.S will preferred to work for 40 hours per week than 60hours per week for the betterment of their well being.