NADPH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate) and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) are forms in which energy is stored in metabolic reactions
An adaptation that makes bipedalism possible is the need to get around. If your slithering on the ground, you could get diseases, or get hurt.
Platelets would release signals to stimulate the production of more platelets
Positive feedback mechanism is one of the two types of feedback mechanisms (other being negative feedback mechanism) in which the products of a process stimulates more of that product to be synthesized or produced. In other words, the result of a reaction increases the secretion of more results.
In this case where the injured tissue of a cut initially releases chemical signals into the bloodstream. These chemicals signal platelets to be attracted to the injured area. However, if this is a positive feedback mechanism as explained above, Platelets would release signals to stimulate the production of more platelets.