Implement the law and have a sound judgment with the constituents. Possess the political will to provide equal opportunities. Implement laws that will cater to their needs. On working conditions, there should be a clear-cut guideline suited to the worker's capacity.
The primary aims of the League of Nations: Maintain the peace process and prevent future wars.
An organization such as the League of Nations was the signature idea of US President Woodrow Wilson. He had laid out 14 Points for establishing and maintaining world peace following the Great War (World War I). Point #14 was the establishment of an international peacekeeping association. The Treaty of Versailles adopted that idea, and the League of Nations was established in 1920. [Notably, the United States never joined the League, because the US Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles.]
The League of Nations had set out clear goals for what it intended to do. The main aims of the League were disarmament across nations, preventing war through collective security of the international community, settling disputes between countries through negotiation, and improving welfare of people around the globe. But it proved unable to meet those goals. The United Nations, formed after World War II, has similar goals, and has been more effective in its efforts -- though there are still plenty of people who criticize the UN's effectiveness.
westward movement
imperialist expasion is the take of land from other countries like africa
1. The two species could stand upright on both legs.
2. The two species could make tools.
1. The Cromogons have more resemblance to man today compared to the Homo habilis.
2. Homo<em> habilis</em> was not as heavily built as the Cromogons who had large body structures.
The Cromogons are a species of humans discovered in France and who were taught to have existed some 120,000 years ago. They were heavily built and had large brains. This species of humans could stand upright like the modern man and the Homo habilis species. They could also make fine bone tools.
The Homo <em>habilis </em>existed some 1.5 to 2.4 million years ago. They are a more ancient form of man. They could not make a fire for themselves. Their body structure was also not as heavily built as that of the Cromogons. The Cromogons are more like the present-day man compared to the Homo <em>habilis</em>.