The speaker is Holden Caulfield, the narrator of the cult novel "The Catcher in the Rye", by recluse writer J.D. Salinger. Holden is a teenager who escapes a boarding school in order to spend a few days in New York, where he interacts with strangers and experiences new things.
Meaning and context: When Holden says he has Jane Gallagher on the brain again, he means he cannot stop thinking about her. Jane is a girl whom he deeply admires, but at the same time he never makes the first move. When he learns his roommate has a date with Jane, he is assaulted by jealousy. The complete quote goes like this:
"All of a sudden, on my way out to the lobby, I got old Jane Gallagher on the brain again. I got her on, and I couldn't get her off."
This is a free response question right? I would suggest maybe watching some videos about this guy because my brother had the same question (he's in k12) and the videos should really help. its ok if you didn't read the book. Elie Wiesel is a surviver of the horrible holocaust that took place wiping out millions of Jews. He's said himself in some interviews that he believes staying silent isnt the right thing to do. just watch a few vids about him and you should be about to easily answer this question. Hope I helped:)
What sentence are u referring to?
This act is a transgression because his father gave him money specifically for his lunch.
A refutation or contradiction