Such plants are called vascular plants.
Answer: B.) More research is needed to reach a conclusion, including related variables
As it is evident that oxygen is necessary element for living beings. It is required for the process of respiration, in which the food particles are broken down in the presence of oxygen into simpler substances.
Applying this knowledge to the given study suggests that all organisms require oxygen which can be less or more depending upon their habitat either in the shallow waters or in the depths. This conclusion is invalid and requires more explanatory approach which can be achieved by more research so as to derive a valid conclusion in which the two variables oxygen and relative habitats can be compared.
There exists a fundamental distinction between two types of data: Quantitative data is information about quantities, and therefore numbers, and qualitative data is descriptive, and regards phenomenon which can be observed but not measured, such as language.
La Niña follows after an El Niño. Its sea surface temperature will be lower than the natural one by 3-5 degree Celcius which tells us that it is cooler than the average temperature. It is the positive state of the El Niño. It really disturbs the natural weather patterns which could result to extreme storms.