Ones place: 9
Tens place: 9
Hundreds place: 6
Thousands place: 4
Ten thousands place: 3
Which is 34,699
Now that we know 3 is in the ten thousand's place.
So then go from 3, and jump too 4. If the number is higher then 5, the 3 would become a 4. If the number is lower then 5, 4 would become a 0 and so will the rest of the number's too the right.
34,699 ---> 30,000
That being said, the answer is 30,000!
I hope this help's! :)
243.9 tenth
243.88 for hundredth
240 for ten
200 for hundred
Step-by-step explanation:
Since you are asking in 534 minutes, that means it will double twice.
23000 * 2 * 2 = 92000
1 quarter, 2 dimes, 2 nickels, 10 pennies
The answer is 73, simple math