A. Respiration
The process in which oxygen atoms are made available to the cell of animals is called cell respiration. In cell respiration the food molecules undergo process which is called food oxidization, that make it available to be absorbed by the animal cell.
The correct answer will be option-D.
Calcium plays an important role in muscle contraction as they are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum after they receive electric impulse.
Calcium triggers the muscle contraction cycle as these calcium ions bind to the troponin-tropomyosin complex. This binding exposes the myosin-binding site on the actin on which high energy myosin binds and cross-bridge is formed.
This cross-bridge formation causes the contraction of the sarcomere and therefore muscle contracts.
Thus, option-D is the correct answer.
Lose body fat or weight.
Losing weight, even 10-20% can reduce your risk of diabetes and lead to the treatment of it.
Biología celular o citología: rama de la biología que se centra en el estudio de la estructura y función de las células. Biología del desarrollo: es la rama que analiza cómo es el desarrollo de los seres vivos desde que se conciben hasta que nacen.
It modifies, packages,and sorts proteins that will be secreted into the cell. So synthesis of proteins.