Moderate-intensity exercise includes activities in which a person burns<span> off three to six times as much energy per minute as he/she does when he/she is sitting quietly.</span>
Moderate-intensity exercise has been shown to reduce appetite and suppress ghrelin.
Examples for moderate-intensity exercise are: brisk walking, swimming or mowing the lawn.
Identify important facts and issues on which 2 people can agree
wearing protective earplugs when operating loud equipment sounds the most reasonable.
regularly cleaning ears with a cotton swab is good for you, but I honestly don't think it could PREVENT hearing loss.
I <u>don't</u> think yawning and "popping" your ears is right because how could that prevent hearing loss?
And wearing protective goggles when operating power tools does not prevent hearing loss, it protects your eyes.
I wish you a good day. God bless you!
joshua 1:9 <3
when young people are drunk, they tend to be reckless in driving and end up beaten by the police men for driving under the influence of alcohol. There are many dramatic chases by police to drunkard youngsters who are detected because of their unusual speed in the first place