<span>The correct answer is A:establishing a League of Nations. Wilson hoped that such an organization would foster communication and cooperation between nations so that they could exchange ideas more openly and lessen the idea that other nations were secretly plotting against each other. The disaster of World War I was caused in great part by a serious lack of trust and communication between the nations of Europe at that time. Wilson hoped that a League of Nations would prevent such a tragedy from happening again and included this idea in his Fourteen Points at the conclusion of the war.</span>
They should use the principle of shaping in order to incorporate a desired character in an individual because this shaping technique reshapes the personality of child by reinforcement of desired and good characters. Other principles such as Classical conditioning, Positive punishment
, Generalization
, Positive reinforcement and Observational learning can't be used by Karl and Elsa for their children due to their difference in function.
Protestant ethic is the beleif that sacred authority called for hard work, saving, thrift, and honesty as necessary for salvation.
<h2>Lines of longitude meet at north and south pole.</h2>
<em>Se puede ganar mucho, desde el punto de vista empírico yanalítico, del estudio comparativo sistemático de Canadá y Estados
<em>Unidos. </em><em>Ambos países comparten muchas condiciones ecológicas y demográficas</em><em>; sus niveles de desarrollo económico y de
<em>movilidad social son similares, y culturalmente tienen también
<em>mucho en común. Sin embargo, existen claros ejemplos de sus