baby boys
According to the various research on baby preference, it has been concluded that, people prefers BABY BOY around the world. This is shown in the fact that, in recent decades, about 21 countries have a skewed sex ratio favoring boys. Thus, the growth of gender imbalance in only recent decades points to widespread preference for BABY BOY around the globe.
Also, in the United States, according to the recent survey poll made by Gallup, it has been revealed that, people prefer BABY BOY generally, with 36% preference for Baby Boy in comparison with 28% to Baby girl.
Marx, Spencer, and Comte all acknowledged the importance of using science to study society, although none actually used scientific methods. Not until Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) did a person systematically apply scientific methods to sociology as a discipline.
A persons record has alot to do with it. They normally consider the severity of the crime and the circumstances surrounding it. Some crimes put a person ineligible for bail. A persons record is another consideration. Someone who has a long record may be subject to bigger bail amounts, if any at all. Another thing, if a problematic person has tendencies for being late to court, or not showing up at all. Judges have been know to look at a persons family life and employment status. A persons reputation can really count. I hope this has given you enough information.