The correct answe is that the difference between prejudice and discriminatio is that prejudice is the concept and idea you may have of a person or a race but not act on those ideas while discrimination is having all those prejudices and action on them by being mean or talking opportunities of those people.
According to the conflict theory these can be used as techniques of dominations within racial relations since the beggining of times, you can see it on the discrimations that African Americans have been victims of for years as white people tend to be discriminatory against them.
(Options given are not right.)
Courage Leadership Competencies.
The skills and behaviors that leads a leader in contribution of higher performances are called leadership competencies.
The skills that are mentioned in the question comes under "Courageous" leadership competencies.
A good leader possesses the quality of courage. Means he can withstand the danger. He is prepared to take up new ventures. And is not fearful when faced with problems.
This quality of a leader helps his team to rely on him trustfully.
Henry's law pointed out that the <em>oxygen solubility</em> is very low. This means that only small amounts of oxygen are dissolved in the plasma. Consequently, about <em>98% </em>of the oxygen in the blood must be transported within <em>plasma </em>where it attaches to the<em> protein </em>within hemoglobin molecules. Oxygen bound to hemoglobin is referred to as <em>Oxyhemoglobin</em> . Hemoglobin without bound oxygen is called M<em>ethemoglobin (metHb) or Ferrihemoglobin</em> <em> .</em>
Oxygen is carried in the blood in two forms: (1) dissolved in and RBC water (about 2% of the total) and (2) reversibly bound to hemoglobin (about 98% of the total). At physiological PO2 (40 < PO2 < 100 mm Hg), only a small amount of oxygen is dissolved in plasma since oxygen has such a low solubility.
The plasma is the intravascular fluid comprised of water, dissolved proteins, glucose, clotting factors, electrolytes, hormones, and carbon dioxide. Blood volume pertains to the volume of blood in the circulatory system. In general, the blood volume of an adult is about five liters.
Oxygen is transported in the blood in two ways: A small amount of O 2 (1.5 percent) is carried in the plasma as a dissolved gas. Most oxygen (98.5 percent) carried in the blood is bound to the protein hemoglobin in red blood cells. A fully saturated oxyhemoglobin (HbO 2) has four O 2 molecules attached.
The hemoglobin is then called methemoglobin (metHb) or ferrihemoglobin (Fe+3 will not bind oxygen). Ordinarily, about 1% of the hemoglobin in a red blood cell is in this form.