Pharaoh is the supreme ruler of Egypt and a approved position for the sovereign place of power.
Cotton has played a huge role in both the economy and history of Georgia, and continues to a major economic factor in the state today. Cotton was first planted in colonial Georgia in 1734, and Georgia was the first colony to produce cotton commercially. But its scope and success were limited. The only places cotton could be grown successfully in colonial times was along the coast - where the growing season was very long. The type cotton grown here was thus called Sea Island cotton; its seed and fiber could be easily separated, making it less labor intensive than the short-staple variety of cotton.
The Exile tale describes the Jews' struggle in Egypt, their redemption by Yahweh, and their expulsion from Egypt. They promised to become his people after being selected and forming a pact with him.
The great peril happened in on October 8, 1871 and burned through the heart of Chicago.
- The fire burnt for more than 24 hours, killed more than 300 people and destroyed more than 17,500 buildings.
- The aftermath of the accident left four square miles of Windy City including its business district in total ruins.
- The mayor of Chicago who was "Roswell B. Mason" lived in Chicago at the time of the fire in 1871
Learn more about the Chicago Fire of 1871 here