This is a Physics question, and that means we can definitely do some experiment with this.
See Archimedes' law of buoyancy.
The advantage of natural breeding are the following:
1. cattle produce may eradicated hereditary sickness.
2. the cattle that is produce is fitter, stronger and can survive through harsh condition because they are use to it.
3. they can produce better food
That organisms are called CONSUMERS...
Restriction enzymes (endonucleases) are used to cut the DNA into fragements.
Restriction enzymes are obatained from bacteria where they are utilized by bacteria for protection against viruses. Restriction enzymes are used in biotechnology research. There are several restriction enzymes and each cut the DNA at specific site known as recognition site which is usually 4-8 neucleotide long. They produce sticky ends (cutting the both DNA strand on different site) and blunt ends (cutting the both DNA strand on same site) on DNA fragments.
Maintenance of normal sinus rhythm
antidysrhytmic drugs are used to treat abnormal rhythm of the heart. Abnormal rhythm is usually due to the irregular electrical stimulation of the electrical activity of the heart. This can work by correcting the cardiac function there are four classes of this drugs such as Class I for sodium channels, Class II which are the beta blocker, Class III which are the drugs that prolong repolarization and Class IV which are the calcium channel blocker.