Energy can not be created nor destroyed, leaving the only possible answer to be "b," when energy changes from one form to another.
Cancers are said to be caused by genetics, meaning the disease originated from the DNA structure. There are viruses that affect the DNA. Examples are hepatitis B virus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus-8 and human papilloma virus. These are the DNA viruses that could cause cancer.
The answer in the space provided is anaerobic respiration.
It is because this allows of having to utilize other substance than oxygen such
as nitrate or sulfate to be their electron acceptors in which is for organisms
that undergoes respiration.
Acceptable Macronutrients Distribution Ranges refers to adequate amount of macronutrient that should be taken in diet to avoid chronic illness or simply AMDR refer to healthy ranges of intake for carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
ADMR tells about how the protein, Lipids and carbohydrates should be distributed in diet or how much of energy should be obtained from each macronurient.
ADMR for adults are;
Protein; 10-35%, Fat; 20-35%, Carbohydrates; 45-65%.
It has a negative impact on the environment by allowing toxic chemicals to harm wildlife.
Mining refers to the act of extracting minerals and other valuable solids from the earth's crust. The process of mining can have adverse effect on an ecosystem in the sense that wildlife is threatened during the process.
During the mining process, chemicals, which are toxic to living organisms, from the minerals gets washed into the areas surrounding the mining site. Thereby, causing serious harm to the wildlife living in those areas.