i think everyone goes through this , and i'm not a therapist but from someone's point of view who has seen it and experienced it , as hard as it may sound ... cut that person out. and if you're thinking about harming yourself , please speak to someone and/or call a hotline. :) you matter
and you got this okay. it took me a while to learn to be okay with myself but 5 years from now , the people you speak to now prob aren't going to be in your life , so why are you stressing over it ? cut them off and move on w your life. delete social media , disappear for a while and get yourself together , it will help , i promise !!
The correct answer is: B, C, D,F, G, H.
Aneuploidy is a defect on the number of chromosomes a cell has. Human cells have 46 chromosomes, an additional chromosome (47) or a missing one (45) is an aneuploidy. Aneuploidy is usually due to a defect during cell division (chromosomes don’t separate). The following disease are examples of aneuploidy:
b. Down's syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 21)
c. Edward's syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 18)
d. Jacob's syndrome (a male with an extra Y chromosome)
f. Turner's syndrome (a female missing a X chromosome)
g. Klinefelter's syndrome (a male with an extra X chromosome)
h. Patau's syndrome (trisomy of chromosome 13)
Aspirin should not be used in children due to the risk of Reye's syndrome.
It turns out that providing aspirin to kids while they have a viral illness—most frequently the flu or chicken pox—can result in Reye's syndrome, a potentially lethal condition. 1 Sudden brain injury and issues with liver function are the hallmarks of Reye's. It may result in unconsciousness, mania, or even death.
Aspirin is a medication that lowers blood coagulation, inflammation, discomfort, and fever. Aspirin is a member of the pharmacological class known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
Learn more about aspirin here:-
Answer: Firstly put your finger under some cold water and light dry it with a towel. If you have aloe Vera that would be great but don’t use lotion or any other face cream/body cream because it will irritate the burn and eventually your finger. Lastly keep your finger away from anything that can harm it such as paper, once the aloe Vera dries apply more until you feel comfortable to put a band aid on your finger
Hopefully your finger gets better fast :)