1. A group of people that seeks to influence public policy on the basis of a particular common interest or concern.
2.As a reminder, a political party is a group of people who organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine public policy, whereas an interest group is a group of people who share common goals and who actively try to influence policymakers. ... Their specific purposes within the government, however, differ.
ELM (elaboration likelihood model of persuasion)
Elaboration likelihood model of persuasion: The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion is often referred to as ELM. The ELM theory is considered to be as the dual-process theory that describes or explains the change or alteration in an individual's attitudes. The ELM theory was proposed by John Cacioppo and Richard E. Petty during 1980.
The ELM model focuses on describing several ways in explaining the process of understanding or analyzing particular stimuli, its uses, and outcomes on attitude change.
According to abraham maslow, ________ is the need to find meaning and identity beyond the self.
Answer self actualization
The separation of power in a democracy like the U.S prevents us from tyranny because the decisions and solutions presented must be agreed upon by two or more legislations. If not agreed on or deemed as a violation of citizens rights the government has the ability to reject or veto the law.
Tyranny definition is - <em>a cruel and oppressive government or rule, decisions often made by a sole ruler regardless of others opinions.</em>
Here are some of their achievements:
- theory of radioactivity
-discovery of a new element, polonium
-discovery of another element, radium
- developing new ways of separating radioactive isotopes
-discovery of nuclear energy ( by Pierre and one of his students)