The correct answer is exorcism
Exorcism is the act of expelling or expelling demons or evil spirits, usually from people; there may be cases involving places or objects. According to the religious view, the exorcism ritual only occurs when the demonic possession (by the devil or his angels) is verified. This ritual is practiced by Catholic priests, there are reports that other cultures also performed rituals similar to this one. Currently, the Roman Catholic Church still believes in diabolical possessions and its priests perform the “royal exorcism”, a 27-page ritual where holy water, prayers and relics (or Christian symbols) are used in order to expel demons or evil spirits . There are Protestant churches that also believe in demonic possession and practice a ritual of expelling these spirits, however, unlike Catholicism, Protestantism executes expulsion solely by using the name of Christ and prophetic words.
b. Personality.
<em>Personality</em> is a unique set of behaviors and enduring qualities that influence the way a person adapts to her/his environment. The way in which individuals think, feel, and behave is defined as personality. These set of traits last over time and are different in different individuals. These characteristics not only influence individual behavior but they also influence how each individual adapts to the environment.
Answer: Racial groups
A race is based on an idea that people are divided into distinct groups based on their shared inherited physical features and shared social qualities. It is also based on visual characteristics such as skin color , cranial and facial features or even type of hair
The amount of time spent playing video games.
When doing research, we usually come across two different types of variables. One is the independent variable and the other one is the dependant variable.
- The independent variable is the one that we, as researchers, can control and that has an effect on another variable.
- The dependant variable is the variable that we can't control and that is affected by the independent variable.
Therefore, we can control the independent variable but not the dependant variable. And the effect we will be observing will take place in the dependent variable.
In this example, the hypothesis is that the greater amount of time teenagers spend playing video games, the higher their grades in math. We can see that the hypothesis states that <u>the math grades will be AFFECTED by the amount of hours teenagers spend playing video games</u>. In other words, <u>the amount of time spent playing will have an </u><u>effect</u><u> on the grades.</u> Therefore, the independent variable is The amount of time spent playing video games.