a. Deposits
A checking account is a bank account where members can withdraw and deposit money with ease of access. It is mostly used for bill payments and for making personal financial transactions .A checking account allows for check deposits and debit card transactions
b. Nina will prefer L to M.
Convex utility of wealth indicates that an individual tends to be comfortable with taking risks.
A concave utility function shows an aversion for risk.
A mean preserving spread occurs when one variable has greater variance than another but they both have the same mean.
In the given scenario prospect L will have a greater variance than prospect M since it is a mean preserving spread.
Given Nina's risk taking preference she will most likely take prospect L that offers more variability over prospect M
Okay i the way you are my baby girl i the best way you can get it out of me and it doesn’t hurt me anymore lol i’m lol oh yeah i to do it all the time but i i the best way to get ur life to sleep and then why you can’t sleep over here and sleep over here lol i the best time to for sleep over here baby mommy mommy baby girl love girl girl kiss mommy mommy baby girl love girl mommy love you love mommy mommy love love mommy mommy baby girl love mommy baby mommy mommy baby oeueuwywiwy mommy mommy love mommy baby girl baby love love baby love