The development of microchip (or
integrated circuits) made computers more smaller, much faster, and more
powerful. Microchips allowed number of transistors to increase in chips,
doubling roughly every two years in accordance to Moore’s law. They are easier
to produce, requires less power, and costs lower. Microchips helped embed computer
in mobile PC’s, laptop, phones, watches, and even home appliances.
The answer is C
Because the united states has people of all languages while Europe you will mostly find people of all one language
The most serious problem faced by settlers in Virginia when they first arrived was a lack of food, since the land was difficult to farm and the Natives could be hostile. Although they soon grew enough tobacco to be able to trade efficiently.
I dont quite know what you mean but a major thing that happened then was the start of the french revolution which kick started many other revolutions in south america, Haiti, brazil, and Mexico but America was contemplating whether or not to help the french.<span />