1: the saying means the world can be a big stage drawing a line from reality and being deceived. Many people on this earth act is if they are in a play. Hiding behind a mask, pretending everything is okay, pretending they are saints but are only a wolf in sheep clothing.
Storm on the IslandStorm on the Island
GCSE Literature Seamus HeaneyGCSE Literature Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney was born in Northern
Ireland in 1939, the eldest of nine children.
His father was ...
Storm onStorm on
the Islandthe Island
The poem describes the experience of being in a
cliff top cottage on an island off ...
What’s going on?
Lines What Happens?
1 - 5 Heaney describes how the community
prepares for the storm
6 - 13
14 - 19
In thi...
What’s going on?
Lines What Happens?
1 - 5 Heaney describes how the community
prepares for the storm
6 - 13 There is a cha...
• Free verse (no rhyme) – The power and
freedom of the weather, in particular the
• One stanza – The isola...
Match the vocabulary from the poem
with the correct definition:
wizened (line 3) bombard with
artillery s...
The answer is: the coward.
In the excerpt from "The Royal House of Thebes," Ismene is portrayed as the opposite of her sister Antigone, who is the heroine of the story. She is afraid to disobey Creon's order not to give burial to her brother Polyneices, and believes women should not withstand the commandments of powerful men.
1: appositive: a famous science fiction writer
Noun: ray bradbury
2: appositive: a short story
Noun: “the foghorn”
3: appositve: the narrator of the short story
Noun: Johnny
4: appositive: Johnny’s friend
Noun: mcdunn
5: appositive: a mournful moan
Noun: the foghorn sound
6: appositive: a hundred foot dinosaur
Noun: the monster
7: appositive: a lonely echo of the foghorn
Noun: the monsters cry