So base on the question that states and ask to give the name of one cell type that continues to divide throughout a person's lifetime and also on who does not, with that question, the cell that divide through persons lifetime is a Mitosis or skin cells, an example to this is the skin, and the who doesn't divide is i think the brain cells, it doesn't regenerate
hi there
your answer is :they asexual
The structure of viruses allows them to succeed in their main mission—reproduction. the Ly tic Cycle Once attached to a host cell,after a virus injects its nucleic acid into the cell. The nucleic acid takes over the normal operation of the host cell and produces multiple copies of the virus's protein coat and nucleic acid the host will get sick and yes, might die from it .
A large percentage of microorganisms, the prokaryotes (those without a nucleus) reproduce asexually.
I hope this helped u out
have a great afternoon
Cerebral cortex
1. Emotion can invoke an autonomic response.
2. Sexual thoughts or image which can increase blood flow to the genitals.
1. It activates the flight or fight response.
2. It is the major control of ANS.
3. It is the integrating center for thermoregulation.
1. It is integrating centers for reflexes which control heart rate and blood pressure.
2. It is the integrating center for pupillary reflex
Spinal cord
1. It is the integrating center for urination, erection, defecation and ejaculation reflexes.
While all crocodiles, tuataras and most squamates (a clade consisting of snakes, lizards and amphisbaenians) have teeth, all living birds and turtles possess toothless beaks for mouths. Technically called rhamphothecae, their beaks are built from
Somatic mutations are mutations that occur in body cells, that is the cells that do not make gametes. These mutations are not passed on to further generations; for example, if a mutation that changes a gene in a skin cell would not affect your children because skin cells don't produce gametes.