The answer to the first unknown in the problem is "A phobia" while in the second unknown in the problem is the "condition emotional response". Such as a phobia is an exaggerated, irrational fear of an object or a situation which may sometimes be thought of as a condition emotional response.
Sociological imagination is we’re people describe there imagination to tell information they know while using sociology
The answer is "Jenifer".
Theory of mind is the capacity to perceive and property mental states — musings, recognitions, wants, goals, sentiments – to oneself and to others and to see how these psychological states may influence conduct. It is likewise an understanding that others have convictions, points of view and feelings totally isolate from our own.
Within-group factorial design
Within-group factorial design: This is the design in all the participant gets an opportunity to get all the treatment or have to exposed to the condition. The different levels of the independent variables indicated the treatment condition. These variables are manipulated by the experimenter and these variables are treated with a dependent variable that is critical and responsible for the treatment. It is beneficial for two or more groups that are tested under different factors. In this design error variance reduced. In this type of experiment, the individual is assigned for independent variables or treatments.