We believe that the Constitution of the United States is the best political charter yet created by men for governing themselves. It is our belief that the Constitution is designed to guarantee the free exercise of the inherent rights of the individual through strictly limiting the power of government.
Refugees are those who seek refuge or help. They travel to other countries because they fear for their lives. They wanted to live in a place where their human rights are not violated.
Migrants are those who decided to seek employment elsewhere. They leave their places of origin to look for work abroad. They do not leave in fear of their lives.
Refugees and Migrants are not the same when it comes to their reason of leaving their places of origin. But they should be given equal opportunities to better their lives in the place they chose to settle in.
Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity is state of uneasiness caused by impression of oneself, feeling inferior or something that threatens one's self-image or ego.
Bri might think that her husband finds his coworker more attractive or smarter. In essence she feels that her husband might find his coworker better than Bri. Bri thinks that she lacks the characteristics that her husband's coworker has, which makes Bri jealous.
These places were established as charter colonies by religious minorities looking for freedom from persecution. Virginia was made a colony for profit, investors backed them up because of they abundance or cash crops and later on even slavery. Massachusetts on the other hand, had more slaves and domestic purposes instead of farming was more of their profit.
C. Ashamed is the correct answer