The phrase floating rib (Latin: costae fluctuantes) refers to the two lowermost, the eleventh and twelfth rib pairs; so-called because they are attached only to the vertebrae–and not to the sternum or cartilage of the sternum.
For a 15-month-old toddler, who is being treated for acute lymphoid leukemia, there are vaccines contraindicated, especially if the child undergoing chemotherapy. For example, live vaccines such as varicella, oral polio, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) should not be given to children under chemo. Although, inactive vaccines may be fine but active vaccines should not be administered.
The fact that the cerebrum is still developing during adolescence explains why teenagers act the way that they do is because their brain cannot yet fully comprehend some of the things that they do.