Cloning and identifying genetically caused diseases
Molecular genetics is scientific study of composition of genes. This field is a subcategory of biology and heredity which is responsible for unearthing and delving the anatomy and physiology of the genes. This field helps us to understand and find evidence in the compounds, substances and elements found and synthesized in our genes and what contains in our nucleic acides –RNA and DNA –framework of our chromosomes. And also the origin and history of how genes came to be. These are codes and like-signals that makes us who we are in a macro-perspective.
One of the main reasons why there is a need to create additional three kingdoms was due to the invention of the microscope. The scientific device paved way for a more intensive study of the tiny organisms most considered as single-celled which cannot be seen by the naked eye.
The MSDS lists the hazardous ingredients of a product, its physical and chemical characteristics (e.g. flammability, explosive properties), its effect on human health, the chemicals with which it can adversely react, handling precautions, the types of measures that can be used to control exposure, emergency and first....
thats basically what they are lol yea okay yea no
The overall function of the digestive system as digestion and absorption of food stuffs, and the general activities of each digestive system organ is; Ingest, digest, absorb, defecate.
Ingestion involves placing food into the mouth, propulsion involves propelling food from one organ to the next using peristalsis. Mechanical digestion involves the physical fragmenting food into smaller particles. Chemical digestion refers to breaking down food molecules to building blocks by enzymes. Absorption is the transport of digested end products to blood or lymph; and finally Defecation which involves the elimination of indigestable material from GI tract by anus.