D- they were not treated for or told they had syphillis. Instead, researchers told the men that they were receiving free treatment for what they called “bad blood”. Around this time, penicillin was found to be a decent method of treatment for syphillis, but researchers instead treated the men with ointments and other methods that didn’t work.
That statement is True
Over the past waters, the Eastern Europeans always have problems in obtaining clean fresh water
Not only it's scarce, but also filled with waste water, municipal, and industrial waste, which very dangerous for one's health
True, some stretching exercises can be harmful, even if performed correctly.
There are many stretching exercises that can cause you problems. The most sensitive spots on your body are your neck, your back, and your knees. The most common stretching technique is to bend over and touch your toes (even doctors will tell you to do this at times). Doing that will cause tension in your lower back which may be bad going forward.