They both provide energy for the body. They both occur in the muscle cells.
Weakening of digestive smooth muscle with age can cause constipation.
Smooth muscles in the digestive system have the role to move food down the tract via radially symmetrical contractions (peristalsis). With age, the function of smooth muscles reduces, causing the food to move more slowly through the alimentary canal (digestive tract). As a consequence, water gets absorbed from food waste, which can cause constipation.
B. "Whispered pectoriloquy" - "speaking from the chest"; used as a means of finding masses in the lung. The whispered word is audible in areas where fluid or a mass is present
Auscultation in medicine, is the action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs, usually using a stethoscope, in order to perform medical diagnosis.
Auscultation is performed for the purposes of examining the circulatory and respiratory systems, as well as the alimentary canal. The procedure is best performed in a quiet examination room. A stethoscope is used to magnify internal sounds. Small changes in breath sounds are carefully observed in order to make a diagnosis.
Whispered pectoriloquy is used to detect vocal resonance. It is used as a means of finding masses (consolidations e.g. pus) in the lung and is performed by having the patient quietly whisper a word. If fluid or a mass is present, words that are whispered may be heard clearly.
Observations allow us to collect data that we can connect back to the central problem. From this data we can start to form hypotheses (predictions on possible solutions or outcomes).
Fluid, rolling, air resistance, and not sure about the last one.