most scientists believe that the first people of america were asians who traveled to the americas during the ice age. during the last part of the ice age, around 25,000 years ago, a bridge of land connected north america and asia. this allowed people, most likely from siberia, to migrate while chasing food like bison or mammoths. some of the first americans may have settled in the north while others moved further south.
i couldn't read part of the last paragraph but i hope the summary was correct
??? how can i help u dude?
Democracy is the system of government where the people holds the power as the eligible members of the population elects representatives
This is the most common system of government as a lot of government adopts this approach as the elected government officials are chosen and selected by the people and they are bound to the laws/constitution of the land.
The term that social psychologists use for the process of making people in and out group where they are made being responsible for the problems of people in the in group is scapegoat. It is a person that is being blamed for the mistakes that is done by others.
Answer & Explanation :
A dialectical tension is opposition / contradiction in behaviour of a couple.
Oppositions are antonym of each others, act as cancelation or undo to each other. They are mutually exclusive & mutually exhaustive. They can be related to their internal, external conflicting issues.
Examples :
- Openness v/s non openness
- Connection v/s autonomy
- Dominance v/s submissiveness
- Predictability v/s Novelty
- Integration v/s Seperation
- Expression v/s Privacy
- Stability v/s Change