The cooperation between the Hindus and the Muslims would help build a rich and powerful empire because, the worlds major religions are Islam and Hinduism and because of that if two combine it makes a powerful group of people and they all have different understanding and thinking. Because of the differences between the two groups, they can come up with pretty unique ideas, which can help a lot and these two groups arent heard as much as other groups. Believe me, many of these people have unique ideas and arent heard or they just keep it to themselves. In conclusion they can build a rich and powerful empire because if their differences, beliefs, and morals they've been taught.
perceived job content
According to the "General Model of Job Design" job performance is influenced by <u>perceived job content</u>. Perceived job content has to do with how significant an employee views a job and the related skill they need for the job. An employee will do a job properly if he feels that the job is important for his/her career advancement and if it is important to achieving the organizations long-term or short-term goal, his performance of that job/task is based on how significant he views the task. Another consideration is the skill set, an employee will perform a job better if he/she has the necessary skill required for that job.
List three ways that Islamic love of learning influenced West Africa. Timbuktu became a center of learning with many universities. Local schools were set up where children could learn the Qur'an. Muslims' love of books led to the development of large libraries.
The expectations are called A. Roles.
A role refers to the <em>position an individual carries within society</em>, which comes with certain expectations. Since the individual carries a certain status with this role, there is a definition of what are <em>appropriate and inappropriate behaviors</em> regarding his/her position.
For example, a school principal has a high status and position within the school community. He/she is required to set a good example for the community so there are expectations regarding an appropriate behavior such as providing support to the staff, for example. An inappropriate behavior would be engaging in illicit acts, for example.